

    1. What is the jurisdiction of this office?

      This office has jurisdiction all over Maharashtra.

    2. How to lodge a complaint in this office?

      One can file a complaint to this office by sending it through post, submitting it personally in this office, or using our portal/website.

    3. How to lodge a complaint through the portal?

      You can file an online complaint to this office through the internet by visiting our portal/website from your home, office, or cyber cafe.

    4. Is there any prescribed format for filing the complaint in this office?

      Yes, there is a format, but it is not obligatory to file a complaint in the prescribed format.

    5. Is there any need of submitting court fee while lodging a complaint?


    6. After lodging a complaint, is it necessary to appear personally in this office?

      Not really, but in case if so required, we issue a letter or E-mail asking the complainant to remain present personally in this office.

    7. What details need to be furnished while lodging a complaint with this office?

      The complainant should mention their full name and full address, mobile number or any other contact number, and E-mail address if available in their complaint. Every complaint should be duly signed by the complainant or, if they are illiterate, it should bear their thumb impression duly attested by a literate person. Similarly, in the case of a complaint involving allegations, it is obligatory to mention the name, official designation, and office address of the non-applicants (persons complained against) as well as a brief nature of the complaint.

    8. What documents need to be attached while lodging a complaint?

      The original complaint and its enclosures need to be filed in duplicate. Similarly, in the case of a complaint involving allegations, an original affidavit in support of the allegations, duly sworn in before the competent authority, needs to be submitted. Every complaint should be accompanied by as many spare copies as there are public servants alleged against.

    9. Against whom can the complaint be filed in this office?

      The complaint against any public servant defined under section 2 (k) of the Maharashtra Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayuktas Act, 1971, can be filed in this office.

    10. What is the time limit for filing the complaint?

      The complaint involving a grievance needs to be filed within 12 months from the date on which the action complained against becomes known to the complainant, and the complaint involving an allegation needs to be filed within 3 years from the date on which the action complained against is alleged to have taken place. If the complainant fails to submit the complaint within the stipulated time, there is a provision for condoning such delay if the complainant submits a statement of grounds showing sufficient cause for not making the complaint within the specified period.

    11. What further action is taken on the complaint? (How are the complaints dealt with?)

      After receiving a complaint, this office registers the same and allots a complaint number to it. Thereafter, it is assigned to the concerned employee/officer for further action. Depending upon the nature of the complaints, reports are called from the concerned offices, and cases are heard by the Lokayukta/Upa-Lokayukta.